S2E15 John Humphrey How to earn residual crypto payments.

S2E15 – John Humphrey – How to earn residual crypto payments.

John Humphrey

John Humphrey – How to earn residual crypto payments. My next guest has a company that allows you to establish a residual stream of crypto payments while helping build the technical infrastructure in and around your city. In this episode, we talk about how investors can get started, how much they’ll earn per month, and where this business may be in the future. Please welcome John Humphrey.

Payback Time Podcast

Payback Time is a podcast for investors. The goal of this podcast is to help make investing approachable and easy to understand. We will interview beginner and experienced investors and ask them to share stories on how they got started, what challenges they faced, what mistakes they made, and what strategy works for them today. The overall objective is to provide you with a roadmap that helps you become a better investor.


[00:00:03.430] – Intro
Payback Time is a podcast about building businesses’ wealth and financial freedom. We try to uncover the challenges our guests faced, the mistakes they made, and the steps they took to achieve their goals. The overall objective is to provide you with a roadmap that leads to your own success. Sean Tepper is your host. Are you ready? It’s Payback Time.
[00:00:33.150] – Sean
My next guest has a company that allows you to establish a residual stream.
[00:00:36.930] – Sean
Of crypto payments while helping build a technical infrastructure in and around your city.
[00:00:42.170] – Sean
In this episode, we talk about how investors can get started, how much they’ll.
[00:00:45.750] – Sean
Earn per month, and where this business may be in the future. Please welcome John Humphrey.
[00:00:51.670] – Sean
John, welcome to the show.
[00:00:53.240] – John
Hi, how are you today?
[00:00:55.180] – Sean
Doing well. I’m excited to hear your story, so why don’t you take it away and tell us a little bit about your background.
[00:01:01.230] – John
Yes. Hey. Well, I am actually speaking to you from our offices here in beautiful San Diego, but now for 20 years. I’m originally from New York, and when I got out of college I know you’re in Wisconsin, I know you’re a badger, but I went to Boston University for Medicine. I was actually wanted to be a dentist, believe it or not, when I was going to college. But then I realized halfway through college that I didn’t really want to do that anymore. I didn’t really want to study for the next eight years and take tests and all that stuff. So I got out and went into consulting in the medical device industry. And I was a sales rep and a consultant for many years, for probably about eight or ten years. And like anything else, I think you can go through your twenty s and you’re trying to find out what you want to do. And I realized that I didn’t really want to work for somebody. My dad was an entrepreneur. He owned multiple businesses in New York, and so I kind of had that in my blood. So my wife and I were like 30, 31 years old.
[00:02:02.160] – John
We decided to get out of New York. It was actually right after 911 happened in 2001. New York was so different after that, so we decided, hey, let’s just do a fresh start and let’s go where it doesn’t snow. I know it snows in Wisconsin quite a bit in the winter, right? And I had that in New England going to college. I grew up with that in New York when I was in Long Island, New York City. So we actually ended up coming out to California. We started consulting practice out here for small businesses and did that for many, many years. And then I had a company called the Effortless Living Institute for about seven years, and then I sold that, and then I went into my next venture, which was Franchising. So I really had the bug to really help people get into business into Franchising and so it was like another seven years I did that and I sold that company. That was the second company that I exited from, and then I’ve been in. Since then, my big focus has been with my partner Jerry out here, who I’ve known for now 20 years.
[00:03:03.500] – John
Another east coast guy out here relocated. We’ve been in luxury short term rentals. I love lifestyle businesses. I love businesses where people have fun. Like they come to your business to have fun. So I was never going to be an attorney or anything like that. That was going to be really heavy. Couldn’t really want to do that. So I want everybody to come to my business as fun. Like, I have two restaurants in my family. We’re always about entertaining. And so we got into luxury short term rentals, which was not little homes, but like seven to ten bedroom, big, giant, five, 6000, 8000 square foot homes were like a group of 25 people can go and have fun for like a week. That’s what we did. And so my partner Jerry and I, we had built 24 properties. We built up a portfolio of 24 multi million dollar properties in Phoenix and Scottsdale. And we were just cranking along in that business and teaching people how to do it. And then fast forward to the present now about seven months ago, since we’re always about doing residual cash flow businesses or what businesses could run without us, that’s kind of how we’re always thinking, like, what’s out there that could be churning money that I don’t have to exchange time for money?
[00:04:18.070] – John
And we were introduced to this technology called Helium, the IoT Network, which was called the Internet of things. And I had never heard of that before. And it was all about this new network that was going to be getting built, and this was going to be the new thing that people like you or me are going to be able to participate in. It was going to be called the people’s network. This is going to be like this new worldwide thing. And so my partner Jerry got involved because we had found out about a device that you can literally add on to our rental properties that could literally just turn you money when you were sleeping, when you were there, when you weren’t there. It was completely 100% touch free, hands free, and completely residual. Now, I’ve heard that claim a lot in my life, but there’s always something you had to do. Sure, this was a little different. Like, this was completely tech. And so we got involved in it. And that’s what we’re doing now. It’s a company called Linkster. And we’re helping people build residual cash flow in cryptocurrency by having them place a thing called a Helium hotspot onto their existing homes.
[00:05:25.790] – John
And this box networks with other boxes, and that’s how you make money. And we can go into that, but that’s what we do.
[00:05:32.480] – Sean
Yeah, I’m going to go into the business model a little bit and talk about how our listeners can get involved. But first, IoT. We haven’t talked about too much on this podcast in simple terms to find what IoT is.
[00:05:44.090] – John
Yeah, this is amazing. So IoT stands for Internet of Things. Now, I never heard of Internet of Things before, but Internet of Things is basically a local outdoor network that is usually in a city, and it’s outside. The reason it’s outside is because all these little tiny devices that are outside that need to be hooked up to a network to get the data, well, they need a network. And they don’t have WiFi outside in a city. They need another network. So it’s called an IoT network for Internet of Things. And to give you an example of what an IoT device is, and everybody’s going to know that you all know the electric scooters, that you can rent the little electric scooters downtown in every downtown. Well, I always used to ask myself, how does the company know where the scooter is? Because you have to log in, you have to do the app and everything. Where does all that data go? Well, the scooter is actually hooked up to a network, like an Internet network that’s outside called an IoT network. It’s local. The same thing happens with the parking meters that need that require you to put a credit card.
[00:06:54.680] – John
Well, it’s not going up to a satellite, your information. It’s not going to a WiFi network. It’s going to what’s called an IoT network. So your credit card data is being beamed somewhere and it’s on a local outdoor network. Now, that was what was developed for local downtown cities, but now Helium, which is a cryptocurrency, decided, hey, instead of doing that, what if we could build an IoT network that’s not just for the city, but it would be global? Meaning we can build a network where every single device could be hooked up at any given time, no matter where it is on a local network. And that’s where this whole IoT network started to come in. And a lot of people haven’t heard of it. But I guarantee in the next two to three years, IoT is going to be as familiar as Google. Everybody is going to know what IoT is because every home in America, every new home that’s being built is completely smart, right? We have smart devices that are happening in every home. And it’s not just the devices that are in your house that are hooked onto your WiFi network, but what about the things in the front of your house or in the back of your house in your backyard?
[00:08:03.610] – John
Things like leak detection, how much moisture is in your lawn, fire detection, a carbon monoxide detection, even, believe it or not, they even have little critter traps that you could put outside around your property that are hooked onto a network. So when you catch something, you actually get a ping on your cell phone. So everything is going to be connected electronically. And so the IoT network does two things. Number one, the signal goes very far. And number two, it’s very cheap. So this is why companies are going to be paying helium for credit. They’re going to put all of their devices up there. There’s going to be about 80 billion would it be 80 billion brand new devices that are going to be hooked up to this new IoT network in the next two years. So this is really kind of going to be the future of connectivity.
[00:08:54.880] – Sean
Got it. In my world, when I was thinking of IoT, I’ve got a home that is a smart home. I’ve upgraded appliances, but it’s usually Google. So if you got the Google nests and the Google mesh network and internet and router and all that stuff is all connected within the home making it a smart home making IoT. But as soon as you mentioned the scooters and the parking meters, I’m like outdoor IoT. I totally get it. That makes sense.
[00:09:22.360] – John
Yeah. And the big thing is the reason why IoT also works is people say, well, what about seller? Well, Seller is very expensive and so is satellite is very expensive compared to IoT is about 100 the cost. It’s really inexpensive. In fact, I grew up in Long Island and when I was in my twenty s, I had my first boat. I bought my first boat, little boat. But I remember it was before they had all the GPS tracking where you knew where you were on the waterways. They had this thing called the Laurence. Basically it’s the same signal this signal has been from like 50 years ago. It was a signal that you could beam across the water and it would tell you where you were. So it was a radio signal. All they’re really doing is repurposing that 912 megahertz signal and they’re repurposing it for the new IoT network, which is amazing. So it’s very inexpensive. It’s been around a long time and it works for days.
[00:10:17.700] – Sean
Right. So let’s talk about this product that you have. First off, I’m very curious. What does this product do, like on a home? What value does it provide?
[00:10:28.890] – John
Great question. I’m going to show you, actually a visual of what this looks like. So if you look at this, this is the box. This is what we call the helium hotspot. We actually built this here at our offices. And you can see it’s pretty tacky. I’m not going to go into this whole thing, but basically this is a little utility box that we would install on the outside of your home. And then from here a little cable will go up to your roof. And we’re going to put an antenna. It just looks like a stick. It’s going to go up on your roof. And what this box does is this box. All it does is it looks for other boxes to send a signal to and receive a signal from. And by doing that, every time that happens, every time your box networks, it’s called beaconing and witnessing, meaning it’s beaconing a signal or it’s receiving a signal. Once it receives a signal from another box in the area, then what helium is going to do is they’re going to reward you in their form of cryptocurrency called HNT. So imagine getting rewarded cryptocurrency all month long just for having a box network with other boxes.
[00:11:37.570] – John
So let me explain it this way because I always like to use visuals. Imagine Netflix got started today, and instead of you logging on to an app, netflix decided to send you a box like the one I showed you. And they say, hey, listen, put this on your house. And what’s going to happen is all these boxes are going to be in your neighborhood. And if your neighbor orders a movie and we send that signal, it’s going to go box to box to box to box. This is how it’s going to travel. It’s going to go box to box to box. And when it crosses your box to get to your neighbor’s box, we’re going to pay you for the use of your box on our digital railroad. That’s how it works. So instead of it being central, this is what’s called decentralized, meaning that helium doesn’t own this network that people do. So imagine having an entire network in the United States where every signal is going to transfer from box to box by the signal pinging from one helium hotspot to another. Now, right now, there’s about 2250 of them in the United States, and it’s going to take about two and a half million hotspots to completely cover the entire United States.
[00:12:49.360] – John
And it’s going box by box. So right now, there’s worldwide even, there’s almost 900,000 hotspots that are creating the network. So it’s grown. It’s about two and a half years old, and it’s growing box by box by box. And some of the cities are completely covered now, like San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, completely covered with helium. Hotspots network is done there.
[00:13:11.840] – Sean
So in this case, the advantages I look at, like me, if I wanted this box, I would have, one, I could be paid just to have it in the cryptocurrency. And two, I can use the hotspot network. I don’t have to use an Internet provider like I use here in Wisconsin. I use Spectrum is the biggest player.
[00:13:32.250] – John
Yeah, great question. So this signal is a little different than your WiFi signal. Your WiFi signal in your house. Your Internet signal is completely different. This signal is just for IoT devices. So this is what the signal is being done. Now, the next upgrade to the signal is 5G, believe it or not. So they’re going to keep upgrading this signal. So it’s going to be where not only is it going to just be for IoT devices, the future, believe it or not, is you’re going to be able to be on your cell phone and can you imagine making a call to somebody else in the world? And it’s going 100% through all the IoT network boxes to get there. So it’s not going to go to cellular towers, it’s not going to go up to the satellite. It’s going to go through the local decentralized network. And that’s kind of how it’s going to work now. The great thing about it is right now, helium, what we do here at Linkster is actually when people want to get involved with us, we’ll analyze the property to make sure it’s good. Like, is it a good location?
[00:14:33.840] – John
Would the signal be well received there, or is their house covered with trees where they can’t get the signal? So we’ll actually analyze people’s properties, and then if that looks good and we decide to put a box there, as soon as the box is installed and the antenna is on the roof, it’s working. And then every month, automatically, your cryptocurrency rewards and helium tokens will be directly deposited into the crypto wallet of your choice. So it’s really 100% hands free. But basically we’re using people’s properties as cash flow generators for themselves, and then they can take the agency and they can convert that into cash or other cryptocurrency at any time.
[00:15:12.280] – Sean
Sure to get involved. Well, actually, before I talk about costs for the end user, so I want to break down the benefits a little more. You will get access to 5G soon. You can run IoT devices. What type of devices are we talking about? Can you give examples?
[00:15:30.450] – John
Yeah, pretty much all of the smart devices in your home. So if you have people have we’re in the short term, vacation rental space. So we use IoT devices all the time, which are cameras that around the property.
[00:15:42.440] – Sean
Like ring products?
[00:15:43.760] – John
Yes, all those products. Keyless entry into your house, even your refrigerator, like smart refrigerators, smart toasters. We actually have an IoT coffee maker here in the office. They’re all being made now. They’re all going to be all these household things are going to be being made. But the big thing for everybody is, yes, what’s going to be happening in the home. But this is more of an opportunity. I look at this as kind of like when cable vision I’m dating myself a little bit. I’m 52. When I grew up, there was no cable TV until I was probably nine or ten years old. And I remember when cable vision cable TV actually came into our neighborhood. You probably heard the stories because you look like a young guy. You heard the stories about, like, cable TV coming up for the first time. There were 30 channels that you are now going to get instead of the five channels. Anyway, it was like, oh, man. And what happened was it was like being installed in the neighborhood. And I look at this. What’s going on with the IoT is the same thing. Like, this is going to be coming to a neighborhood near you, whether it’s going to be your home having an IoT box or your neighbor having an IoT box, it’s going to happen.
[00:16:55.090] – John
One way or the other, it’s happening. But now it’s an opportunity. Like, wouldn’t it be great to have a piece of that? Because even if you never put an IoT device on this box for the rest of your life, you having your piece of the electronic railroad. You’re going to be earning quite a bit of tokens. That could turn into some big time cash down the road. That’s going to happen whether you use IoT or not. The railroad is going to be there, and that’s what they’re paying people on just to be part of the network.
[00:17:26.010] – Sean
What I’m looking at this is I always look at, because I’m an investor, you can run Ring and Google and all these products without your device, right?
[00:17:36.680] – John
[00:17:37.150] – Sean
What is your device doing? What value add to the IoT network of my own home? Is it elevating?
[00:17:43.200] – John
It’s mostly going to be what’s going to be outside your home. It’s going to be what’s in your community. It’s going to be what’s in your neighborhood. All those things that you’re basically contributing to, you’re contributing kind of to your town and your city and your neighborhood, because your box is providing a network for devices that could help monitor your neighborhood, keep your neighborhood safe. All those devices, even if they’re not your devices, need to be on a network. So basically what you’re doing is you’re kind of providing that network for your neighborhood. Like in my neighborhood, my neighborhood is saturated with IoT. Our helium boxes, they’re all over our neighborhood. Now, I don’t have any IoT things hooked up to our network, but I know that the town in my neighborhood, they’re putting up, like, early warning IoT devices for fire. So I know that’s out in the network, out in the neighborhood. And guess what? They’re using the mesh network that we all created there. So it’s not like they got to log into your network. It’s just the signal is just going everywhere. And then people can hook up any device at any time that they want because they’re paying helium for the ability to do that.
[00:18:57.790] – John
So they’re not paying me. My device is just basically beaming out a signal. And anybody who has an IoT device out there, the city or the town that needs that signal, they can use it. And that’s what everybody’s contributing.
[00:19:10.800] – Sean
So what I’m looking at, this is, as I always try to draw a comparison here in Wisconsin, we have a lot of people, especially in the rural areas, can have a windmill set up in their yard. And you’ll see that with farmland, especially you’ll see in these windmill farms. And you’re not necessarily benefiting yourself, you’re benefiting the community. You’re looking at a bigger picture, like, hey, we’re going to generate more power for the community. And you’ll get paid a little bit. In fact, I think it’s a reduction on your energy bill. It’s not like you’re getting a check every month. You’re getting a reduction on your energy bill, and that’s the win. So in this case, you’re contributing to a network infrastructure that’s benefiting the community, and then you get paid your personal benefit. Sounds like these tokens you’re getting sent every month. Is that a fair description of the business model?
[00:20:04.090] – John
You 100% get it. So, for example, farmers, this is like a perfect thing for farmers because you get out in the Midwest, they’re out in rural communities, right? And farmers, they’ve got huge swaths of land, and there’s no network out there to monitor anything, basically. So imagine there’s tons of these new devices that are going to be out. Imagine having IoT devices on your plants, on your crops, that they could basically do that. Now, the cool thing about the signal is a signal from one IoT box can go for 200 miles to another box. That’s how far it goes. It’s really a low power and very far reaching signal. So can you imagine how this is going to create connectivity in so much of America that isn’t populated in a city?
[00:20:51.330] – Sean
Yes. I look at the southwest part of Wisconsin. That’s where my fiancee is from. She lives in a very rural area, a lot of farmland. There’s not any big cities. You got Platville, Wisconsin, and you got Dubuke, Iowa. And it’s farmland for as far as I can see.
[00:21:08.940] – John
[00:21:10.170] – Sean
For this, you’re going to be between homes that can be five to 10 miles at a crack. And knowing that it’s 200 miles, that’s quite a reach there, for sure.
[00:21:22.230] – John
And the nice thing is what I found really interesting is, yeah, this is really great that it’s the United States is doing this in Europe. I mean, right now, like I said, there’s about 900,000 hot spots worldwide.
[00:21:34.330] – Sean
[00:21:34.780] – John
They are in 5800 cities in the world, and I’m talking like, all over the place. My family have family from Italy in Sorrento, Italy. They have helium there. It is popping up everywhere. It’s in India, it’s in Africa, it’s in Canada, it’s everywhere. And that’s the most interesting thing. There’s never been a worldwide network ever, of anything. And this is 100% owned by individuals. So this is really the Web 3.0 decentralized. This is what everybody’s talking about now, is decentralizing the Internet, decentralizing, all the social media platforms, getting everything kind of owned back by individuals rather than just a few companies. So this is really kind of a very interesting, I think, a socioeconomic experiment that’s been happening.
[00:22:25.370] – Sean
[00:22:25.880] – John
And that’s why people feel empowered to want to get involved and do this.
[00:22:29.970] – Speaker 3
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[00:23:25.110] – Sean
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[00:23:27.300] – Speaker 3
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[00:23:47.030] – Sean
Before we jump into like, a scenario, if I wanted to invest, how long has this business been around helium?
[00:23:54.370] – John
Two and a half years. It’s been about two and a half years. And to be honest, Jerry and I, my partner Jerry and I, we got introduced to this simply as, hey, this is something you can add onto your homes to just make you more money. Because we look at our houses as businesses, and so anything that we can add in there to make more money, we were going to do. Especially if it was going to be 100% passive. But here was the catch. When we looked into it, there were a lot of companies out there that were selling this thing called the Helium Hotspot, and they were basically promoting it as, hey, buy this hotspot, put it in your home, plug it in to your cable router, put it on a coffee table, and you’re going to start earning cryptocurrency rewards. And we said, Wow, that’s a great idea. When we started looking into it, we realized that really wasn’t happening. This plug and play model, maybe that worked in the beginning, but it’s not working anymore. It’s not powerful enough. So what we did is we knew the efficacy of what was happening.
[00:24:53.880] – John
We actually took apart one of the Helium Hotspots. We hired a guy, an ex engineer from Motorola. And this box that I showed you is our box design. We actually deconstructed and reconstructed a brand new Helium Hotspot, and we created a technology company. I mean, we just said we’re going to make sure the box actually works. So instead of having a little two inch antenna on the Helium Hotspot, we have a 14 foot antenna on top of somebody’s roof that’s hooked to an external box. We built this whole technology company out of pure necessity. And then before you know it, it just kind of took off. And this is kind of one of the things that we’re doing full time now, is we’re building this tech company and we’re installing about 50 helium hotspots around the United States a week. We’ve got a full operation. It just kind of took off because people wanted to get involved in this Helium network, but they didn’t want to waste their money with what we call the plug and pray model, where you plug it in and pray that it’s going to work harder professionally. The one thing that I found interesting about this was as much as I love this whole idea of the decentralized network, it also is kind of scary going, well, you’re going to put pieces of technology in the hands of people who don’t know anything about technology, and this is going to run the entire worldwide network.
[00:26:16.320] – John
So we said, hey, you know what? If this is high tech, we should have high tech like people on our team. We hired the best people. We have full customer support, professional installation, monitoring all the stuff to make sure that it works. And that’s kind of how we got started.
[00:26:31.090] – Sean
Got it? Yeah. All right. So me as a consumer, and if I want something like this on my home, what is the entry cost to do this? And is there a reoccurring monthly cost?
[00:26:41.230] – John
Yeah, great question. So we actually have two paths for people. One, they can become what’s called a premier partner, where you get a box, it’s about $2,997. It’s one time fee. It includes shipping, installation, monitoring, everything, and it pays out for the next 47 years. So this was Helium saying that they’re going to pay crypto rewards for the next 47 years, and that’s one time. And then by doing that, we actually go into a JV kind of agreement where we’ll do all the work, you provide the location, we’ll analyze that everything’s good. And then you’ll keep 50% of the tokens and we keep 50% of the tokens. And that’s for life. So that’s the first model that we have is called Premiere partner. Then we have another one, which is just about $500 to get involved, we still do everything that I just shared with you, but instead of you getting 50%, you get 15%. And that’s called being a host partner. And those are basically for property management companies. We have companies that give us 1000 locations to analyze, and out of them, maybe 200 are good. Well, they’re not going to invest $200,000 in hotspots.
[00:27:51.830] – John
What they’ll do is they pay a one time fee. So it doesn’t matter if you have one property or 1000 properties, you only pay $500.01 time. And then we’ll install as many boxes as you like, as long as they are approved locations. And then you’ll keep 15% of the H and T and we set that up automated. It goes into your crypto wallet. Every month it gets deposited. So there’s two ways really people can get involved with us. It all depends on people’s budgets and how big your list is.
[00:28:21.470] – Sean
The coins that are issued, how much is deposited to the consumer, and does it vary per month?
[00:28:28.370] – John
Yes, the tokens right now, helium is about $10. Right now, the value of it is about $10. And we’re looking at every month to your share should be if you’re a premier partner, your share should be about four to six tokens a month on average, should be deposited into your crypto wallet. So that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of money at $10 a token. And it isn’t.
[00:28:53.230] – Sean
Okay, it isn’t.
[00:28:54.380] – John
I will tell you, this is not about right now. Nobody’s involved in helium for $10. What they’re in it for is but in year five, it’s a lot of industry experts, because in year five there’s going to be about two to 3 million hot spots in the United States. The IoT network is going to be complete and then it just becomes a data play. There’s like all the data going through the network. So the industry experts are looking at this to be about $250 and higher by year 2027. So right now, everybody that’s getting involved in this is in it for one reason, collect the tokens. Just basically these boxes are just going to be depositing tokens into your account every month. And at the end of five years I look at it this way, I keep the math really simple for people. If you got five tokens a month, over the course of twelve months, that would be 60 tokens. In five years, that would be 300 tokens. Helium goes to 300 a token. You cash out after five years, that’s $90,000 on a one time investment of $3,000. I don’t want to say, oh, it’s going to go to 2000, 5000, 10,000 token.
[00:30:00.750] – John
Like, I would love that to happen. But one of the most appealing things of why Jerry and I jumped into this is that we found that this really was the first cryptocurrency that we knew of that was building a hard asset that was kind of correlated with the coin. So that’s it. So this is kind of like a hard asset play. I think a lot of other cryptocurrencies are going to be doing the same in the future. They’re going to try to back what they’re doing with something. Because right now there’s about 80 cryptocurrencies. Helium is ranked about 50. So it’s got some legs to it. It’s about a billion dollar market cap right now. They’re doing really well. But this is the play you’re in this for. The five or ten year play is what you’re looking to do.
[00:30:44.840] – Sean
Right. It’s really a long term investment.
[00:30:46.910] – John
It is.
[00:30:47.460] – Sean
Is there a limitation on the coins in the network, like Bitcoin has a limited amount of coins. Is helium the same structure, same thing?
[00:30:56.620] – John
I think most all of them, to your point, that’s the question I got. Is there a limited amount of coins? There are. I think it’s a diminishing amount. I think every year how many are getting verified and the transactions. And so they’re doing that whole side of it. Helium is doing that whole side of the mining and all of that stuff. This is more of an IoT box that just gives you rewards and they’re going to pay you an HNT. So, yeah, I think the value of the coin is going to definitely go up over time just because of the limited production as well.
[00:31:26.250] – Sean
Yeah, that’s where I see supply and demand kick in is over time, the less coins, the higher the price. And that’s where you would hit that. You go from $10 a coin per day up to $300. That’s what you really want to see.
[00:31:40.390] – John
Okay, correct. That’s a single. So if you had one box doing that, that’s great. What if you had ten? What if you had 101 of our colleagues got in when helium started. They have 200 hotspots out and they have mine 250,000 tokens. Basically, they’ve been rewarded in two and a half years. So they’re sitting on it, they’re not getting rid of it. They’re waiting for it to go. They’re waiting for it to go to 500,000 and they’re going to cash out. The goal of linkster is we’re putting out 20,000 hotspots. That’s the goal of our company is 20,000. And we do have an exclusive agreement with one of the top helium hotspot manufacturers in the world, so we don’t have a supply chain problem. This has been a big problem in actually healing. There’s about 3 million hotspots on backwater in the world right now just because of supply chain issues and everything that happened. But we were smart enough to actually get an exclusive agreement, so we have no problems getting hotspots.
[00:32:37.430] – Sean
Okay, we’ll get to that because I want to talk about your business model a little bit. I’m always curious, but where can a consumer today buy helium? Can you find it on, like, a coinbase or any of these other online apps?
[00:32:50.040] – John
Yes, it’s not a coinbase, it’s on finance, it’s on crypto.com. You got to just find an exchange that has Helium and it’s HNT. It’s the tokens. So, yeah, you can buy it. People are buying it now because it’s cheap. It was as high as 60, it’s been as low as seven. But everything in crypto right now is depressed. But when that starts to come back so I look at it kind of like, yeah, you can buy it or you can buy something that’s going to reward you in the coins that are going to keep rewarding you in the coins, which is a little bit of a different thing. You’re kind of investing in something that’s going to give you coins rather than buying coins. So, yeah, you can buy it. You can buy it on the exchange. When you get started with us, whatever crypto wallet you’re using, you give it to us, we program it right into your helium hotspot. And that is what is paid out every month. It’s all automated, which is great. So there’s no accounting for your part, right.
[00:33:43.420] – Sean
Do you get your own portal on helium? I’m on the helium site right now, which is the listeners out there. It is actually a well designed site. Looks very professional. So this isn’t some, like, sneaky coin out there where you got Jimmy, who’s 23 years old, just, I’m going to create my own crypto. We all run into those guys, but yeah, how do they track their coins? What’s the interface?
[00:34:06.750] – John
Yeah, this is so cool. I’ve never seen a company do this before. So every time that helium hotspot goes hot, meaning it’s hooked up to the network, you can go on Explorer helium.com. It’s a public site, it’s free, and it’s called the Explorer Network. So Explorer Helium.com, and you can see every single hotspot in the world is listed there. You just see it. It’s a worldwide map. You can go anywhere. You can put any city in there, any town in there. It’ll tell you how many hotspots are there, what that hotspot is doing, how many boxes that that hotspot is actually networking with other boxes. So it’s completely transparent. And the interesting funny thing, the funny thing about helium is that when you get a box, helium gives you a random three word name for the hotspot. So when you go on the Explorer helium.com, you’ll see these boxes and you have these funny names like Funky Rabbit hat. That’s the name of it. That’s what they know it it’s a three word random name that you get. You can look it up by name. You could look it up, and then it’ll tell you what type of box it is.
[00:35:19.130] – John
What are the crypto rewards that you earned in the last 30 days? You can literally see in real time what your box is doing at any time.
[00:35:28.370] – Sean
That’s cool. That creates a level of FOMO where one person can look at other people on the map and be like, oh, so and so. It’s got X amount. I want to maybe I should get another box on another property and try to catch right.
[00:35:42.530] – John
It totally is. Or the people that go, whoa. We’re in conversations with a guy who installs all of the Internet towers in the Caribbean. So how the Caribbean does this? So he’s like he wants to bring the Link star box to all the islands in the Caribbean that don’t have any helium at all. And he can literally build a network there boxes, and that’s what people are doing. They’re going, well, this is a virgin territory. There’s nothing in our town right. All you need is about 60 boxes, 60 locations, all networking with each other, and you can make a small fortune there. And that’s how it is starting, that’s how it’s building. And even in rural America, that’s what’s going on.
[00:36:26.140] – Sean
And I want to say something here. You mentioned small Fortune. This is of course a long term investment. We all are investors here listening to the podcast, so we don’t have 100% certainty they will make a return. But you like to think there’s a high probability that Fortune is a maybe. Of course we want to stress.
[00:36:44.370] – John
Of course. Well, I look at a couple of different things. I’m an investor too, and I don’t think this is the end all investment for people. But I’m going I kind of like the odds. I kind of like to play the odds a little bit right now. Everything is working. The network is growing. I think I probably would have been a little skeptical in the first six months of this whole thing, but now they’re almost at a million hotspots. It’s growing like this is just not stopping. And I always kind of look at it. It’s either, I’m going to put my hot spots out in the world to have a piece of this, or somebody else is going to do it anyway. So it isn’t like there’s one company doing it. It’s going to get built whether I like it or not, whether Gerry and I are part of it or not. We just feel like we build a better mousetrap to make sure that not only that you could be part of the network, but that you could be actually getting the crypto rewards. That’s the most important thing for us is we’re going, yeah, $3,000.
[00:37:41.250] – John
Hey, the worst case scenario is I get a bunch of tokens. They’re worth something in the future. That’s great. I don’t really see how there’s going to be much of a downside to it now. If it was $100,000 investment, I’d say it’s a different story, but $3,000, $500.
[00:37:58.290] – Sean
It’S really all upsell from an investment standpoint. I like to really understand the proof in the pudding. For example, a lot of investors who know me know that I really look at the business model, not just looking at the numbers of the business. So how is the business using it and what’s the probability of that need being in demand over the next ten years or more with this? Can I as an investor, can I see how, let’s say it’s cities or municipalities or governments are using this network because that would give me the confidence to get into it. Are you able to monitor that?
[00:38:35.150] – John
Yeah. So this is what we do at Linkster. So we know that people are not going to become experts at IoT and healing and what’s going on in the world. That’s why the amateurs that are getting involved in it that kind of want to just go do it themselves or try to do this themselves and say, yeah, you’ll be interested in it for about a month and then you’re going to go off into your world to do something else. But Jerry and I with our company is doing is we’re in the forefront of what’s happening with IoT. And what we’re seeing is that IoT is going to be a multi trillion dollar new industry that’s happening. So as much as they’re building the network now, it’s going to be the next wave is happening. Where and this is the thing that Linkster is going to get involved in is we’re going to get into IoT consulting because this is the companies that are out there that are going to need to deploy devices. The amount of devices, the meta creativity about data is going to go through the roof with this. Because just think about this.
[00:39:33.630] – John
We’ve all been used to having devices in our house and putting things on our phone. Now imagine a whole another world where there’s going to be billions of brand new outdoor devices that municipalities have to use in towns and just even in your own neighborhood, these are all going to be there’s a whole new industry being created. I look at a lot of this for like with farming, like you’re saying, with farming, there’s so much that has to be monitored on a farm and it’s all done manually. Right now, there’s very little technology. Now, can you imagine a farm that is 100% connected through technology? Can you imagine the changes that it could happen to raising crops and pricing and productivity? This is the new industry that’s going to be happening is billions and billions of little tiny little devices that we’re not even going to know. Are there somebody’s collecting that data. And this is the next thing that we’re going to be seeing, is this industry. So we’ve actually looked at a bunch of different IoT manufacturers. This is the other thing that’s popping up right now. We have a manufacturer right now, they’ve got like 3000 brand new little devices.
[00:40:42.670] – John
They’re all about $30. They’re not expensive. So what’s going to happen is these companies are going to take these little devices, they’re going to pay Helium so they can monitor that data, look at the dashboard, and they’re going to use that data similar to what I think the companies do, like the social media companies do with monitoring people and collecting the data and making sure this is what’s going to happen with IoT. This is the next thing that’s going to happen.
[00:41:06.920] – Sean
Yeah, what I’m hearing is, and I don’t want to have this come across as contentious in any way, but I’m hearing what things will look like in the future, like not right now. Like right now, I’ll give you an example. The businesses I invest in, I can understand not only their financial statements, but because they’re public, I can understand how the use is today? Like, how many people are using this? What problem is it solving? So today it sounds like it’s very much focused on we’re banking on what’s going to come in the future. Not like, hey, XYZ municipality is now using this for this project or this solution, something like that.
[00:41:46.540] – John
Correct. To be honest, it’s unclear because it’s so new. It’s kind of like when the Internet came out, it was, okay, we’re all going to be connected. What is that going to do? This is the same thing that’s happening with this network. So IoT, I mean, if you look into IoT, we look into IoT. IoT is not new. IoT has been around for many years, but it’s been very localized. So it is being used by companies. Now. We’re going to open up IoT connectivity pretty much everywhere. And the other thing that I know is going to be happening is the 5G capability on the network. So they’re thinking that some analysts are looking and they’re going to say that Helium will be the biggest cellular provider in the world. Like they’re literally will come out. They will be coming out with a device that imagine just your cell phone making phone calls and your bill being $50 a month, unlimited, for everything around the world because everything is connected through the same IoT network. It’s just one giant network that’s going to be a game changer.
[00:42:51.240] – Sean
Now, I have a technical question here, and this is one thing I had to keep in mind when I was upgrading my home and installing other Google products. They have to be on the same IoT frequency. And I’m looking at a site here. You’ve got 4.3 with that in mind, what frequency or do your boxes support?
[00:43:16.550] – John
Well, the whole thing is it’s a different frequency. This is a radio frequency. This is not the same thing that is coming out of your wireless router. So this is an old signal. That is an actual radio signal that’s being repurposed for data. So the data that is going to be so IoT is a very specific device that’s going to be different than your cell phone. It’s going to be different than your computer. So your computer for right now would not be hooked up to an IoT network. Like the actual computer wouldn’t do it, right? This is just like, I’m going to take this. This is an IoT mug. Let’s say this is an IoT mug. This isn’t going to hook up to my WiFi in here, but it’s going to hook up to an IoT network, which is a radio signal. So this is going to be built for a radio signal. So it’s a whole new brand of products that are going to be coming out just specifically for IoT. And the reason is because IoT is super cheap. And so it’s just a completely different way that you’re using it. Because you know what?
[00:44:16.690] – John
This doesn’t need a whole lot of bandwidth, right. It’s just collecting little bits of data always has to be on. And so that’s why the device is actually created specifically for IoT. So it’s not just the WiFi connectivity device.
[00:44:30.380] – Sean
Yeah, that’s the one thing I would be a little concerned about is getting involved with Helium because you’re going to need to make sure there’s helium compliant products that would connect to it. Because it won’t be all products out there that are IoT friendly. It’s got to be Helium specific. So the question is, what would those products be and what is the supply and demand in that space? So that’s what I would think about.
[00:44:56.240] – John
Yeah, absolutely. This is what we looked into. This is going to be very real estate driven. Most of the devices that we’re seeing are all around doing things, making your house smart, making outside of your house, the back of your house, things in your neighborhood smart. Municipalities. That’s I think where the majority of all this is going to be. You’re just going to see all these little tiny little things that are going to come out that you’re going to be able to go to a Home Depot and buy all these things. It will be that easy. And then you’ll take it home and then you’ll go buy some data credits from Helium. And then now you can actually go on and see what this little device is going to do for you. Sure. And like I said, this is the whole next industry that is being generated right now. There already is an IoT industry, but now that it’s getting this big, everybody is wanting to jump into. So I think consulting is going to be, like I said, really big. Manufacturers are going to be really big. Even things like an automobiles. Your automobiles will be connected as you’re driving around.
[00:45:54.140] – John
You’ll be connected with other things. And this is what’s great. It’s going to drive the cost down of data because this network is so inexpensive. So that’s one of the big things that they’re banking on is the cost.
[00:46:07.170] – Sean
Got it?
[00:46:08.280] – John
[00:46:08.770] – Speaker 3
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[00:46:57.970] – Sean
Well, good. This gives me a good idea of what your business model is and how investors, how the listeners can get involved if they so desire. Before we jump into the rapid fire round, which is a few fun questions, are there any other questions I should have asked but didn’t? Anything else you would like to talk about?
[00:47:15.190] – John
No, I actually think this is great. We’re just super excited. Like I said, our core business has been in short term rentals. This is an add on. So we’re appealing to people that are in real estate, have properties, invest in properties or anything, and they just want to add something. This is one of those plays. It’s something we didn’t want to miss because it’s growing. And that fear of missing out was really big for Jerry and I because we’re like this isn’t just like a few things going on. This is growing fast. And I don’t want to look back in a three or four years from now and go, wow, we were there when the network had 50,000 hot spots. Now there’s 5 million worldwide, and this thing is huge, and we missed the boat.
[00:47:58.820] – Sean
[00:47:59.670] – John
That’s what it is. So we’re excited to at least help individuals deploy this and know that you can depend on us to actually monitor and help you out.
[00:48:09.770] – Sean
Sure. Well, let’s jump into the rapid fire round. This is where we get to find out who John really is.
[00:48:15.750] – John
[00:48:16.700] – Sean
If you could try to answer each question in 15 seconds or less. You’re ready?
[00:48:21.020] – John
[00:48:22.150] – Sean
First question. What is your favorite podcast that you listen to?
[00:48:27.550] – John
Favorite podcasts that I listen to? My friend Steve Ultra, he started podcast magazine, so I’m a big fan of what he always has celebrity guests and stuff, so I’m always curious to see who he is actually having lunch with that day or whatever he’s doing his podcast. So that’s always interesting guess.
[00:48:47.120] – Sean
Sure. Nice. What is the recent book you read and would recommend?
[00:48:51.850] – John
Great book that I read is called Mutant Message down under. It’s a book about a guy who goes on a walkabout in Australia and just what he discovers he’s out there. He leaves all his possessions, and he just goes on this walkabout. I’m not going to give it away, but it’s like a self discovery thing, leaving kind of the world behind and seeing what happens to him about how he connects with his inner self and how he survives and how he takes that back into his real life.
[00:49:21.460] – Sean
Is this fictional? Is this true story?
[00:49:24.540] – John
No, it’s actually nonfiction. It’s actually true story.
[00:49:27.620] – Sean
[00:49:28.190] – John
Mutant Message Down Under. A really interesting read.
[00:49:31.760] – Sean
That does sound interesting. Good advice. Yeah. Or good recommendation. The next question here. Since you’re a movie buff, I got to ask, what’s your favorite movie?
[00:49:40.990] – John
I’d say my favorite movie is Braveheart.
[00:49:43.180] – Sean
All right.
[00:49:44.190] – John
William Wallace. Freedom.
[00:49:45.580] – Sean
Yes, indeed. And that’s what you’re for. Freedom. Financial freedom.
[00:49:52.040] – John
Also a huge Star Wars buff. I mean, I grew up in the original Star Wars movie.
[00:49:55.780] – Sean
[00:49:56.510] – John
Empire Strikes Back. Favorite Star Wars of all time.
[00:49:59.540] – Sean
You got obiwan. Are you watching with your son right now on Disney Plus?
[00:50:03.140] – John
Oh, yeah. He thinks the original Star Wars are corny and stupid and stuff. He only likes the only stuff, which I get it.
[00:50:12.130] – Sean
The younger generations just don’t get it.
[00:50:14.810] – John
They didn’t get the jokes. They didn’t think any of it was funny. I’m sitting there laughing at Han Solo the whole time. He’s like, look at the costumes, dad. These are like, this is the worst. What is this done with, like, a handheld camera? I’m like, this was huge.
[00:50:28.390] – Sean
Power down, son. That’s good. All right, so since this is an investing related podcast, I got two questions here related to investing. So first off, what is the best investment advice you ever received?
[00:50:43.450] – John
I would say the best advice I’ve got. What is my best advice? I think the best advice is invest in things that you understand. And, like, that’s probably the best advice, because I’ve invested in stuff I knew nothing about. And when I went sideways, I just felt like I was out of the loop the whole time. Like, what the hell? Of course I lost. I didn’t even know what it was. I just was told to invest in something. So I really only like investing in things I understand that. I like.
[00:51:12.760] – Sean
Yeah, Warren Buffett, right? Tells you to invest in what you know.
[00:51:16.480] – John
Good. Exactly. There’s so much to invest in. So pick something.
[00:51:22.450] – Sean
Let’s flip that equation. This is related to well, what is the worst advice or investment advice you ever received?
[00:51:32.110] – John
OK, here’s the worst advice. The worst advice ever got, believe it or not, was from a financial planner. When my son was born, it was actually a friend of mine, her husband, big time financial planner. I asked, Hey, my son is born, I want to say, for college. Can you give me something here that I could just, like, stack away for the next 20 years? And he said, Just put your money in a good mutual fund. And that was the whole advice. And I said, well, that doesn’t tell me anything. I felt like I was bothering him just asking for advice, which I thought was nuts because they’re supposedly good friends and he’s a professional financial planner. I think this is probably a basic question, but I think keeping your money in the bank, just following what everybody else is doing, I’ve always had that if everybody’s doing it, I don’t want to really do it. There’s something wrong here. Right? I’ve always kind of wanted to model people that were actually getting results as opposed to what I was just taught growing up, which is put money in the bank, put your money in CDs, put your money in your 401K, turn your money over to professionals because you’re too stupid to manage your own money.
[00:52:46.430] – John
That whole mentality thing. I’ve run into being an entrepreneur, meaning, like, I’ve been very good at making money. I haven’t been the best at knowing how to invest my money. I’m like, I’m an entrepreneur. I love making money. And I had to really learn that developing it as an entrepreneur, like, no, you got to learn to do something with your money that you make. Yeah.
[00:53:05.690] – Sean
Make it grow. No good answers there. Love it. And I know we do get quite a few financial planners that listen to this podcast and they’re probably going to be their blood will be boiling because they know that adviser should have done a better job than say, just go to mutual funds, right?
[00:53:22.670] – John
Yeah. And I have friends that are great financial planners. They’ll sit down if I can give one thing. I would love all financial planners to do this, I think would be a billion dollar idea would be know that most of the entrepreneurs that come in to see you don’t know anything about money. And that is really true. I’ve been entrepreneur for 20 years. I’ve coached thousands of business owners. None of them know how to do anything with money, but they know how to make it. They just don’t know anything about investing your money. It’s not our industry. We’re not into it. I’m not saying not everybody, but most of my solopreneurs that I know treat them, I would say make it easy for an entrepreneur to understand how to grow their money. Because I know a lot of my entrepreneur friends are afraid to go to financial planners just because they’re intimidated going in there because they feel like they should know more about money before they even go talk to a financial planner, which is hysterical. Right. Because you go to a financial planner for advice, they know what they’re doing. So I would say that would be and I would also implore all the entrepreneurs like, hey, it’s okay to not know what you have to do with your money.
[00:54:34.000] – John
There are people there that can really advise you.
[00:54:36.400] – Sean
Sure. No good advice.
[00:54:38.300] – John
[00:54:38.860] – Sean
And the last question here, we’re going to hop on the DeLorean. If you could give your younger self advice, what age would you visit and what would you say?
[00:54:49.370] – John
I would say I would go back into high school and I would say yes more to things. I think I was scared growing up a lot. I was in a very highly competitive environment growing up with prep school and all these things. And I was always a little too calculating on my future, even from a young age. And I’m looking back and I’m going, I wish I said yes to things more. I wish I didn’t have the fear of failure as much as I did growing up. I think I had that more. I would love to just if I go back in time, I’d love to be like Sarah Blakely from Spanx where her dad said made a challenge to her saying to all the kids, what did you fail at today? I love that advice because she said I had no fear of failure. Because that was a game in our house of what can we do, what can we try that we know we’re going to fail at? Let’s just do it anyway. And I said, Oh man, I so wish I had that. Because I had a fear of failure so much growing up that I think I would have gone for more things.
[00:55:59.300] – John
So I would go back and I would tell myself, just say yes, just go for it. No, you’re going to fail. It most of the things that you’re going to do, but do it anyway because that life is about experiencing things. It’s not about just succeeding and everything, right?
[00:56:12.970] – Sean
I love that. I did not know that about Sarah. And I’m talking like I know her. I do not know her, but I haven’t heard her.
[00:56:21.250] – John
That’s the coolest story of all the things that I’ve heard her say about being the first woman billionaire and everything. And it’s like they asked her, Why is that? And she goes, this is what my dad demanded of us is that you had to fail at as many things as you could. That was the game in their house. Can you imagine the mentality of that?
[00:56:40.800] – Sean
I love it. You know what, there’s a lot of people in my personal network, if they were to hear that right now, they would be blown away because it’s opposite of what they’ve been told. Everything is reducing risk and don’t take risks and take chances and just do what is necessary that safe. It just drives me nuts.
[00:57:05.130] – John
When I heard that. Like I have an eleven year old and we do that all the time. I’m going, Hey, you want to try this? Just do it. I said, you’re probably going to suck at it. Who cares? Just do it anyway. Let’s see if you fail at it. And he’s really lost that. He’s so much more of a jumping into life person than I was at that age. It’s the whole training. And it’s funny because now we’re in that whole social media age where everybody’s got to look rich and look successful and all this other stuff. And it’s funny, the people that you see that are the most vulnerable on social media that tell you that, hey, I’m broke and I had a divorce and I did this or I lost it. Like, that’s what everybody really connects with, that authenticity. Because it’s so rare to feel it out in the world, right? But the authentic people like, whoa, there’s a reason why they have a lot of followers. I grew up, believe it or not, I grew up as a Howard Stern fan because I grew up in New York. And whether you liked him or hated him, I always looked and said, hey, I admired his ability to just blatantly be blunt about his entire life.
[00:58:08.050] – John
With everybody at all times, as crazy as it sounded. And that’s why I think he really became probably one of the biggest of all time on Radios, because he was the first one to really do that. Nobody ever really did that. Just being vulnerable. Yeah.
[00:58:22.000] – Sean
Be authentic, be transparent. More and more people need to do that. I strongly stand behind that. There’s a lot of people, especially I think it was the late 2000s, you saw a lot on social media. This braggadocha’s prideful, look at me with my Lamborghini and my private jet that I rented for an hour, stuff like that.
[00:58:41.610] – John
Oh, my God. We used to make fun of all stuff. Yeah, we had the roaring twenty s. It was really the roaring 2000s was that whole thing. Right. The one thing I do, and sometimes I do some talks on being authentic. And one of the things that I always tell people is we all live in our own little weird worlds. We really do. And it’s very rare that I think, especially for men, we don’t let people know our weird worlds much. But when we do, it’s really empowering, because we really figure out we really understand that it’s not so weird. What we think is our little weird world that we have to hide from the world. It’s not. In fact, it’s super common, and it’s liberating when you can let people into that. Yeah.
[00:59:31.210] – Sean
Well, this was great, John. Really appreciate your time. I’m going to turn it over to you. Where can the audience reach you?
[00:59:37.670] – John
Real simple. I mean, you could follow us on our you go right to our website, find out what we’re doing at Langstar. Just Langstar.com. I’m sure they have a link somewhere. Linxstr.com. If anybody wants to speak with me direct, my link to my calendar is IoT John. I made it really, really simple. IoT John, and book a time. I’d be happy to chat with you about anything that we’re doing here at Langstar. Anything you need help with, we’re here.
[01:00:04.350] – Sean
All right, well, thanks, John. Really appreciate your time.
[01:00:06.800] – John
Thank you, John. Awesome. Thanks for having me.
[01:00:14.690] – Sean
Hey, I just want to say thanks for checking out this podcast. I know your time is valuable, and there’s a lot of other podcasts out there you could be listening to. So thanks for taking the time to listen to my guest story. If you did enjoy this podcast episode, could you head over to itunes and leave a five star review? That would be much appreciated. Thank you. And last but not least on this podcast, some episodes we do talk about stocks. And please keep in mind, this podcast is for entertainment purposes only. So if you did hear any buy or sell recommendations, please don’t make those decisions based solely on what you hear. All right, thanks a lot. See ya. Bye.